Brian K. Gibbs

Brian Gibbs is a health equity, diversity and inclusion leader with a focus on local, national, and global issues facing higher education and underserved communities Brian has served in administrative leadership roles at majority- and minority-serving academic institutions, including Oregon Health & Science University, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (HSI), Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the Harvard School of Public Health, and Florida A&M University (HBCU). In these roles, he has engaged in evidence-based program building supporting career advancement, recruitment, retention, and graduation of non-traditional, underrepresented and LGBTQIA undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff.

Brian is an innovator in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives contributing to culture change, implicit bias and cultural competency curriculum development, URM mentoring, and community engagement.

Brian holds a M.P.A. from California State University and a Ph.D. from Brandeis University.
